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All translations - Shamy4106

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This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italiaans Spero che tu possa incontrare sempre, nella tua...
Spero che tu possa incontrare sempre, nella tua vita, persone che ti usano, così come tu hai usato me, e ti auguro di ricevere sempre tanto quanto dai.
E' stato un errore conoscerti.
usano = prendono in giro

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I hope that you can always meet
Source language
Italiaans Ciao Sambo...sono Noemi. Come promesso, ti invi...
Ciao Sambo...sono Noemi.
Come promesso, ti invio la foto che ti ho scattato quando eravamo lì in quel bel paradiso!!!
Ciao e buona giornata.
I edited "qaundo" with "quando" (08/29 francky)

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Hi Sambo
40Source language40
Engels Only knowledge emancipates the man
Only knowledge emancipates the man

1) The word "man" means "human being" in that context.
2) Please do a well-done translation - I'll put it in my Cucumis profile! :)
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.
Warning : Any translation done without using the diacritics when necessary will be systematically rejected.
Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Vertalings gedaan
Grieks Μόνο η γνώση απελευθερώνει τον άνθρωπο.
Hongaars Csak a tudás emancipálhatja az emberiséget.
Arabies فقط المعرفة هي التي تعتق الإنسان من العبوديّة
Frans Seule la connaissance émancipe l'homme..
Spaans Sólo el saber emancipa al hombre.
Koreaans 지식만이 인간을 자유롭게한다
Pools powiedzenie
Sjinees vereenvoudig 只有知识才能解放人类
Turks İnsanı yalnızca bilgi özgür kılar
Italiaans Solo la conoscenza emancipa l'uomo
Slowaaks Len poznanie môže emancipovať ľuďstva.
Bulgaars Единствено познанието еманципира човека
Sweeds Endast genom kunskap kan ....
Noors Kun...
Romeens Numai cunoaşterea îl emancipează pe om.
Nederlands Enkel kennis emancipeert het menselijke wezen
Deens Kun viden frigør et menneske
Japannees 人は知識によってのみ、解放される。
Fœroese Bara vitan frígevur menniskja.
Fins tieto
Kroasies Samo znanje oslobađa čovjeka
Russies Только знание освобождает человека
Oekraïenies Тільки знання робить людину вільною
Sjinees 只有知識才能解放人類
Duits Nur das Wissen befreit den Menschen.
Bretons N'eus ken nemet an deskamant a zishual an den.
Latyn Sola scientia hominem liberat
Tsjeggies Jen poznání může člověka osvobodit
Katalaans Només la coneixença emancipa l'home
Serwies Samo znanje oslobađa čoveka
Bosnies Samo znanje oslobađa čovjeka
Estnies ainult teadmised vabastavad inimest
Hebreeus עברית
Klingon tlhabmoH Sov neH
Albanies vetem dituria emancipon njeriun.
Letties Vienīgi zināšanas atbrīvo cilvēku
Tagalogies Karunungan lamang ang nakakapagpalaya ng tao
Indonesies Hanya ilmu pengetahuan yang membébaskan manusia
Yslands Aðeins þekkingin gerir manneskjuna frjálsa
Georgies მხოლოდ ცოდნა ანიჭებს ადამიანს თავისუფლებას
Litaus Tik žinios emancipuoja žmogų
Farsie-Persies تنها دانش رهایی بخش انسان است.
Fries Inkeld kennis emancipjearet de minsk.
Masedonies Само знаењето
Afrikaans Slegs kennis bevry die man
Iers 'Sé fios feasa amháin a dheineann saor
Hindi केवल ज्ञान ही मनुष्य को मुक्त करता है
Mongools Хvн зөвхөн мэдлэгээр гэгээрлийг олно.
Thai ความรู้เท่านั้นที่ทำให้คนเป็นคน
Source language
Engels 1. Sign up to the website with the link...
1. Sign up to the website with the link provided.

2. Complete one of the offers. This can be any offer and most are fairly reasonable some even
only require you to deposit some money which you can transfer straight back into your account.
Also if you cancel some offers the just before the end of the trial period you will not get
charged for anything.

3. Get your friends to do the same.

4. Sit back and wait for your FREE console!

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Iscriviti al sito
Source language
Engels 1Leave him be or you'll be riding the Goddamn...
Leave him be or you'll be riding the Goddamn sled with him.
Credo che Goddamn Sled sia un modo didire,anche se non so a cosa si riferisca a come possa essere riportato in Italiano

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Leave him be
Source language
Engels work it out
work it out

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Work it out
Source language
Engels a long time ago there was a duke called theseus...
a long time ago there was a duke called theseus who was the lord and governor of athens. he was also a great soldier and had succeeded in defeating the amazons and winning over their queen, Hyppolita, whom he had married.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans molto tempo fa
Source language
Duits In Kenntnis des Berichts zur Aenderung der...
In Kenntnis des Berichts zur Aenderung der Richtlinie
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.
Warning : Any translation done without using the diacritics when necessary will be systematically rejected.
Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

traductions demandées
Roumain 39

Vertalings gedaan
Engels In light of the report about the guideline change
Italiaans Alla luce del rapporto sul cambiamento della linea guida
Romeens Conform raportului despre schimbarea instrucţiunilor
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels let's give them something to talk about
let's give them something to talk about

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Diamo loro qualcosa di cui parlare
Source language
Engels The very first appearance of Count Dracula isin...
The very first appearance of Count Dracula isin Bram Stoker's "Dracula". There wasa Dracula in the 15th century: Vlad the Impaler. Stoker didin't know much about him. He was simply looking for some information about vampire beliefs in Transylvania when he came across his name in a book he was researching entitled An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldovia (1820). This book has very short section on a "Voivode Dracula" who fought against the Turks.

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Conte Dracula
Source language
Engels When religion came to the Slavs, stories about...
When religion came to the Slavs, stories about vampires did not stop. But people believed that some religious things, like holy bread and the cross, could also protect them from vampires. There was only one way to kill a vampire and to save the soul of the dead person: that, they believed, was a thick, sharp piece of wood through the heart.
in qst testo si parla di dracula e dei vampiri. Grazie a ki me lo traduce

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Vampiri
Source language
Engels 2 years old!
Happy birthday Cucumis!

46000 members so far, 5000 visitors and 100 translations done everyday. A strong community is born with a common interest in languages.

A huge thanks to experts, administrators and members contributing everyday.

I can't list all the improvements made to the site since the last blog entry. As the experts are the core of the system, all has been done, and will be done to make their work easier. And by the way... we need more experts!

Everyday I'm amazed by the fantastic people we meet on cucumis and that is the true victory!

All the best!
English experts don't hesitate to correct my bad english as this text will be published on the news section. Thanks ;)

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus יום-הולדת שנתיים!
Brasiliaanse Portugees 2 anos!
Italiaans 2 anni!
Russies Нам 2 года!
Frans 2 ans !
Portugees 2 anos!
Turks 2 yaşında!
Duits 2 Jahre alt!
Nederlands 2 jaar oud!
Hongaars Boldog szülinapot Cucumis!
Deens 2 år gammel.
Grieks Δύο χρονών!
Bulgaars Честит рожден ден Cucumis!
Katalaans 2 anys!
Pools Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji drugiej rocznicy!
Sjinees vereenvoudig 我们两岁了!
Fins Kaksi vuotta jo!
Arabies عامان من العمر
Sweeds Grattis 2-Ã¥rsdagen Cucumis!
Romeens 2 ani!
Albanies Dy vjetori!
Japannees 二歳になりました!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romeens Pentru asta ai vrut să mergem in ...
Pentru asta ai vrut să mergem in Romania, ca să mergi la el. Ai noroc ca esti sora lui Ionuţ. Ai o familie de milioane, dar tu o desparti. Cum ai suferit tu, aşa vrei să sufere şi ei. Du-te la Luci, oricum e la munte cu alta.

buon giorno...stanotte ho ricevuto sul cellulare questo messaggio ma non so cosa vuol dire...non conosco il rumeno, e spero di sbagliarmi, ma mi sembra un ricatto...di sicuro non indirizzato a me perchè non conosco possiamo aiutare vale la pena capire cosa c'è scritto..grazie!

Vertalings gedaan
Engels That's why you wanted to go to Romania
Italiaans Ecco perchè sei voluta andare in Romania
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